What is Organizational Development (OD)? Definition, Goals, Features, Process, and Benefits

definition of organizational development

Definition of Organizational Development Organizational Development (OD) is a systematic, ongoing process that strategically transforms an organization to enhance its effectiveness and efficiency. Focused on continuous improvement, OD integrates changes in plans, policies, and processes, fostering a positive culture and encouraging employee adaptability to change. Rooted in a science-based and humanistic approach, OD values respect, … Read more

8 Steps To Implement Change in the Organization

steps to implement change in the workplace

Steps To Implement Change in the Workplace Successful change management in the organization requires careful implementation of some phases. Here, we will explore the eight major steps to successfully implement change in the workplace: Identify Necessary Changes Successful change begins with a thorough assessment of the organization’s goals, values, and mission. Any proposed changes should align … Read more

15 Strategies To Overcome Resistance To Change in the Workplace

strategies to overcome resistance to change

Strategies To Overcome Resistance To Change It is obvious that when a change is introduced in the organization, some employees may accept it while others do not. Change is necessary in the organization but not easy to implement. There may be different factors that breed resistance to change ranging from individual factors to organizational factors. … Read more

15 Causes of Resistance To Change in the Organization

causes of resistance to change

Causes of Resistance To Change Why do employees resist change? The cause of resistance to change can occur from both individual and organizational sides in the workplace. Individually as well as organizationally people can resist change in the organization. Let’s explore the 15 major causes of resistance to change and relevant solutions to each cause: Loss of … Read more

What is Resistance To Change? Definition, Types, Causes, and Tips To Minimize

definition of resistance to change

Definition of Resistance To Change Resistance to change refers to the opposition, either active or passive, exhibited by individuals within an organization when confronted with alterations to established processes or structures. Active resistance involves overt actions, such as protests or disruptions, while passive resistance includes subtle opposition impacting morale. Compliance denotes individuals going along with … Read more

The 7 Types of Organizational Change [+Pros/Cons]

types of organizational change

Types of Organizational Change Organizational change is a strategic approach to introduce change in the organizational working system to bring new systems and update its existing system to meet the new market trends. There are different ways you can introduce change in the organization. Here, we will explore 7 major types of organizational change: Strategic Change … Read more

What is Remedial Change? Definition, Features, Needs, Strategies, and Pros/Cons

definition of remedial change

Definition of Remedial Change Remedial Change is a prompt organizational response to unforeseen challenges or threats, aiming to rectify issues and prevent further negative consequences. It involves the immediate implementation of corrective actions, often in the face of unexpected events impacting the organization’s stability or growth. Unlike planned changes, which are strategic and deliberate, remedial … Read more

What is Transformational Change? Definition, Features, Causes, Strategies, and Pros/Cons

definition of transformational change

Definition of Transformational Change Transformational Change in organizations refers to a profound, holistic shift encompassing structural, cultural, and procedural elements, primarily triggered by external factors like globalization and technological advancements. This dynamic process, led by transformational leaders, involves paradigm shifts at individual and organizational levels. It transcends incremental adjustments, demanding a strategic realignment of mission, … Read more