What is Structural Change? Definition, Features, Factors, Strategies, and Pros/Cons

structural change

Definition of Structural Change Structural Change in the organization is a profound and impactful transformation in the fundamental functioning of a company. It involves shifts in the flow of authority, capital, information, and responsibilities, altering the organizational parameters. Triggered by various factors such as acquisitions, job duplication, marketplace changes, or process adjustments, this change necessitates a … Read more

What is People-Centric Change? Definition, Features, Strategies, and Pros/Cons

people centric change

What is People Centric Change? People-centric change is a transformative approach to organizational change, emphasizing collaboration, empathy, and active involvement at all levels. Departing from traditional top-down models, it recognizes that individuals change for and with each other. At its core, it prioritizes building trust through engagement, practicing participatory design, fostering continuous improvement, and empowering change … Read more

Strategic Organizational Change – Definition, Elements, Benefits, and Strategies

strategic organizational change

What is Strategic Organizational Change? Strategic organizational change is a purposeful and proactive process where organizations intentionally adjust their structures, policies, and processes to align with long-term objectives. It transcends reactive responses, emphasizing deliberate planning to navigate both anticipated and unexpected shifts effectively. This approach incorporates external learnings, as seen in the energy sector’s response … Read more

The 4 Major Areas of Organizational Change

areas of organizational change

Areas of Organizational Change Managers are the change agents of the organizational settings. The areas managers can change in the organizational change can be classified into four categories. They are: Now, let’s explain these four areas of organizational change: Change in Structure What is it? Organizational structure refers to the framework defining how activities are coordinated, controlled, … Read more

10 Importance of Planned Change in the Workplace

importance of planned change

Importance of Planned Change Change is necessary in the workplace to meet new market trends and consumer demands. Planned change benefits organizations in various ways. Let’s explore the 10 importance of planned change in the workplace: Adaptation to Environmental Changes In the ever-shifting landscape of business, planned change acts as an organizational compass, enabling proactive adaptation to … Read more

The 7 Steps in Process of Planned Change

process of planned change

Process of Planned Change Planned change is an intentional change in the workplace. The process of planned change consists of seven key steps. Let’s explore those steps in detail: Recognition of Need The initiation of planned change marks the acknowledgment of a compelling need for organizational transformation. Often triggered by internal bottlenecks or external market shifts, this … Read more

What is Unplanned Change? Definition, Features, Strategies, & Vs. Planned Change

definition of unplanned change

Definition of Unplanned Change Unplanned change refers to spontaneous and unanticipated alterations in an organization’s structure, processes, or strategies that occur without deliberate intention. Unlike planned change, which follows a systematic and intentional approach, unplanned change emerges unexpectedly, often in response to external pressures or unforeseen internal challenges. It can result from factors such as … Read more

What is Planned Change? Definition, Features, Needs, Steps, and Theories

definition of planned change

Definition of Planned Change Planned change is a strategic and intentional organizational process involving purposeful adjustments to plans, goals, policies, or strategies. This methodical approach aims to proactively address evolving market dynamics. Unlike spontaneous adaptations, planned change entails a deliberate and thoughtful restructuring, preparing organizations to stand out in the competitive landscape. It encompasses a … Read more